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Do you have what it takes to be an All Star? At Hill Country Place, our All Star employees are some of our best and brightest residents who plan special events, fund-raisers and marketing programs that reflect YOUR interest. Being an All Star is an exciting position and puts you on a fast track to one of our many corporate employment opportunities around the nation.
Empower yourself with our Generation Impact program. Benefit your local community and join forces with the entire Peak Campus family to make an impact nationally.
Clean-Out for a Cause
Be a part of our winter and summer food and clothing drives to support local charities.
Earth Day: Plant-A-Billion Fundraiser
Each dollar you raise mean a new tree planted.
Peak Campus Annual Volunteer Day
Join Forces with other residents, parents and staff to volunteer for your local community.
We Support Our Community
- Feed the Children
- Boys and Girls Club
- Furniture for a Cause
- San Antonio Food Bank